Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Winter in Maine

Cold morning, 28°F.  J just brought in a pail of shiners trapped from his pond up back; bait for the ice fishing he plans with his daughter and granddaughter on the weekend. They haven't been yet because we hadn't had cold enough weather to make good safe ice, but now finally there is. January 10 and still bare ground out there; although he tells me we are supposed to get hit tomorrow, maybe 6".  This time, I expect it will stay. I was quite happy without any, but knew it was too good to last. And guess we probably need it.  Thank you, Lord, for this blessing as well as all of the others.

J is at war with the gray squirrels. They have been getting very fat on his birdseed, devouring it as fast as he can put it out there. Due to the high rising cost of black oil sunflower seeds, he has seen fit to take up arms against the unwittingly wide-eyed and bushy-tailed rodents. As soon as he spies one at the feeder, he rushes out the door with trusty 20-gauge in hand. I think the body count is up to eight now and still they come. He says they are good eating, but I just can't.


  1. It's great to read about ice and snow when we are sweltering in 32 deg C (90 F) and humidity of 64%. Parts of Queensland have had temperatures well above 100 F lately.
    We can't swim because of stingers in the sea (box jellyfish), crocodiles possibly in the river and very high UV during the day. It only takes a few minutes to get sunburn.
    Did you get some 6" snow?

    1. Yes, just about 6", plus a small layer of ice on top. Nothing serious. Tonight it is about 4°F out there. Wow, wow, wow, You just can't get any relief can you? One thing about being in cold weather, you can always put on enough layers to get warm or sit in front of a nice warm fire; but in hot weather you can only take off just so much. And it is still hot. Do you have air conditioning? I hope.
