Saturday, January 2, 2010

New year, new beginning, new blog

Got to give it a try. We'll find out if this old woman has
anything to say or not. I really don't know. Probably,
that is not the way to establish reader confidence; 
however, it is honest. And I have to be that, or this is 
a worthless endeavor. As this is the beginning of a new
year and a new decade, hopefully it is a good time to 
begin a new blog. 

I've had a few new starts in my life and I'd like to think
that my character, my soul, my spirit and my wisdom 
have improved at least somewhat with each one. Taking
the risk of sounding a bit cliché: but, if we are paying 
attention, we truly can learn something new everyday. 

Yesterday, I watched the movie, JULIE & JULIA, and loved
it. I certainly don't expect anything like that to happen
to me, but it will be a new experience and that has to be
a good thing. I will ask the Lord to guide my ideas, my 
writing and my postings and go from there. How can 
one go wrong with that?

1 comment:

  1. This is awesomw, WOW!! Love the pics, too. Your sister
